Do What You Love interview – Tom Hodgkinson + Win The Gift of Knowledge This Christmas


Back in 1991, bored to tears by his job, 23-year-old journalist Tom Hodgkinson lay on his bed dreaming of starting a magazine called The Idler. He’d found the title in a collection of essays by Dr. Johnson, himself a constitutionally indolent man. How to live, that was the question. How to be free in a world of jobs and debt? And ditch that dreaded alarm clock.

I was sacked from my first proper job in 1993 and I put the magazine together while on the dole” Tom explains. “That was the Idler and it has been going in one form or another for 22 years now. I have done all sorts of things to avoid a ‘proper’ job, including freelance journalism, writing books, creative consultancy, being very thrifty, importing absinthe, running areas at festivals and Airbnb.”


In 2002 Tom quit the commercial world and retired to a farmhouse on the coast of North Devon to write books. His first book How to be Idle was a global best-seller and was followed by How to be Free, The Idle Parent and Brave Old World. 12 years on he and his wife, Victoria Hull, returned to London to start their own school in Notting Hill, The Idler Academy of Philosophy, Husbandry and Merriment.

The Idler Academy

The Academy at 81 Westbourne Park Road, London, W2


“During the day our London HQ operates as a calm, quiet bookshop selling beautiful, useful and unusual books and gifts. We serve Monmouth coffee, tea and cake, and there is an enclosed medieval garden to retreat to,” says Tom. We teach Greek philosophy, handwriting, ukulele and lots of other useless skills and you can enjoy learning in convivial surroundings with like-minded and interesting people. In the evening we have all worst of interesting people dropping by to run events, give talks, do gigs and run courses.”

We were excited to catch up with Tom to find out how we can all achieve more by doing less… ~ Rachel

The Idler cafe and bookshopThe Idler cafe


How to make hard choices


Here’s a talk that could literally change your life. Which career should I pursue? Should I break up — or get married?! Where should I live? Big decisions like these can be agonisingly difficult. But that’s because we think about them the wrong way, says philosopher Ruth Chang. Chang believes that hard choices are a godsend because they give us the power to create reasons for us to live the life we want. To become distinctive. And to become the author of our own destiny.

In this insightful TED Talk on decision-making and the human condition, Chang looks at how we exercise our freedom through the choices we make. She explores the relationship between reason and value, looks at how we navigate ourselves through the sea of pros and cons and offers a powerful new framework for defining who we truly are. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

What hard choices have you faced in the past? What did you do? What tips/techniques worked well? What hard decisions are you facing at the moment? Which choice will you make?

Replace fear with curiosity


As anyone who’s done it knows, discovering your life’s purpose and getting on the path to doing what you love is the most incredible feeling in the world. It’s exciting, exhilarating and energising but at the same time there’s an element of fear that comes with jumping into the unknown.

You might know what you should be doing (taking brave steps forward and embracing a whole new world and everything in it) but feel afraid to act because making such bold decisions or big life changes seems risky. What if you lose what you already have by walking this new path?

Before you know it the internal conflict between what you truly want and what you already have is spiralling out of control and you find yourself stuck. Frozen by fear.

Whenever you your mind starts ruling your heart, it can help to remind yourself why you went looking for your true passion in the first place. Why is pursuing a life with meaning important to you? How did you feel when you were lost; wandering aimlessly through life? Would you really be happy doing something that doesn’t matter to you? What do you really have to lose by taking this new path? Then ask yourself:

  1. What is the best that can happen?
  2. What is the worst that can happen?
  3. What will happen if I do nothing and everything stays the same?

As Alan Watts says: “By replacing fear of the unknown with curiosity we open ourselves up to an infinite stream of possibility. We can let fear rule our lives or we can become childlike with curiosity, pushing our boundaries, leaping out of our comfort zones, and accepting what life puts before us.”  

Sometimes the only way to overcome your fear of unknown is to take the first step and do something. Turn your fear into curiosity. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

“You’re already naked, so there is no reason why  you don’t follow your heart.” ~ Steve Jobs

Is something stopping you from following your dreams? Do you want to make changes but find the process daunting? Is fear holding you back? Think about it… what are you afraid of that you should be curious about instead?


Top 10 ways to say no and save time


Fran profile NEW

This is a guest post by one of the UK’s leading experts in digital distraction and digital detox and author of The Distraction Trap: How to Focus in a Digital World, Frances Booth. Find out more about Frances here.

One time management technique we don’t use enough is simply saying no. We’re quick to say yes, giving away our time, then we wonder why we have no time left for what we want.

If you find your diary is full, or full of things you don’t want to do, then it’s time to start saying no – nicely.

People ask for our time every single day. And if we give our time away to everyone who asks for it, we end up feeling frazzled, tired and grumpy. Often it doesn’t occur to us that we have the option to simply say no.

It’s much rarer for someone to thank us for our time. But when they do, it reminds us that our time is valuable, and we need to learn to value it too.

Learning when and how to say no is a way of valuing and managing our time.

When we say no to one thing, in effect we’re also saying yes to something else. This might be yes to time to recharge, sleep and renew our energy. It might be yes to some thinking space. It might be yes to more time for ourselves, or yes to time for the people and things that matter to us.

Here are 10 key things to think about for when the answer needs to be no.

1. Something has to give

We can’t say yes to every invitation, request, message, question or demand we get – something has to give. So what should we say no to?

Look at what or who you’re saying yes to at the minute. What or who (including yourself) does that mean you are then you saying no to? Is your diary full of things that fill you with great anticipation? If not, how can you make it so? What do you need to start saying no to? Look at how you spend your time, including time online. Are you happy with what you are saying yes to by how you spend your time?

2. Instant answer

Often we make poor decisions when we’re distracted, overloaded and too busy. Perhaps you recognise them … those things you say yes to, and then instantly regret. What happens next? We try and backtrack, spending far too long undoing the commitment or rescheduling, using up extra time before the event has even happened. Or, the appointment sits in our diary like a black cloud, and we spend time wishing we didn’t have to go.

Next time you feel pressure to give an instant answer, stop. Log out of your email or leave the room. Shut your eyes for five minutes, walk round the block, or sleep on it. Think about whether you really want to say yes. Think about whether you’ve really got the time for it. Pausing before responding uses far less time than it takes to backtrack.

Photo: North CharlestonAre you always racing against time? Saying no more could be the solution (Photo: North Charleston)

3. Delayed response

“I’ll check and get back to you” is a great way to buy yourself some thinking time and avoid making an instant commitment you might regret. This gives you time to decide whether to say yes and also to decide when is a good time for you if you are committing to dates. Most people will accept this as an entirely reasonable response. It implies you are checking with your diary or another person. It doesn’t fix you to a timeframe by which you need to reply, and it buys you the thinking time you need.

4. Time out

When you turn off digital distractions such as email, your smartphone and social media, you’re saying no to people being able to contact you as and when they please. Instead, you’re deciding to show up online at a time convenient to you. This is a simple way to say no thanks to unwanted interruptions. Yet we don’t always make the most of our ability to be in control here. In my book, The Distraction Trap: How to Focus in a Digital World, I give advice on how to do this and how to be more productive in a digital world.

5. Would you do it tomorrow?

This is a great test of whether you actually want to say yes or no. Would you do it tomorrow, given the chance? If the answer is yes, then great, say yes. It shows you are enthusiastic about spending your time on this. If the answer is no, beware of saying yes. Just because you put something in your diary for three weeks’ time, it won’t become any more attractive by then.

6. On hold

Sometimes, what we need to say rather than no is not now. If someone approaches you with an idea, venture or suggestion that you are interested in, but you just don’t have the headspace to consider it because it’s a particularly busy time, say so. Be specific. For example: “This is a busy fortnight, please can you contact me again after June 27th”. This means it’s back on their To Do list and you can forget about it. If, instead, you try to tackle it there and then, you risk becoming overloaded, not doing a very good job, or making a bad decision.

7. You don’t need to know what the space is for

If you’re feeling overloaded and overwhelmed, then say no to the next commitment that is asked of you. You don’t need to know what the space you are leaving is for. Maybe you are going to fill the space with what seems like nothing – things like sleeping, stopping or having a rest. But these ‘nothing’ times are vital. They mean we can restore our energy and then enjoy the other things we have put in our diary. Nothing times mean we can rest and think and then be productive and innovative when we turn back to our work. If necessary write ‘nothing’ in your diary to make sure you leave the space.

8. Swerve time-wasters

Have you ever worked with someone who wasted endless amounts of your time even on simple tasks? People like this don’t value your time, or their own. So saying no to working with them at the outset will save you an awful lot of time. How can you spot the signs of this early on and avoid getting pulled in to a project with them?

Classic early signs of a time-waster are arranging an initial call or meeting and then cancelling it at the very last minute. Here, they’ve already wasted your time – you’ve prepared, arranged your diary to fit around the call or meeting, and perhaps even shown up in person. Yet they think nothing of re-arranging. Other early signs are that they say they will send documents by a certain time and then don’t, or that they send long rambling emails. Say no politely to the project, explaining for example, that your work commitments have changed (they have – you have just made yourself some valuable time you can now use!).

9. Always saying yes equals burnout

If you work for yourself – for example, as an entrepreneur or freelancer – there can be a temptation to say yes to every project and client, due to the fear that work will dry up. But never saying no can lead to exhaustion and burnout. It can also mean that while you are busy doing the ‘drudge’ work you never get round to the work that makes your heart sing, the reason you do what you do in the first place. Saying no can be really, really difficult in these situations – particularly if you don’t know yet what will come along instead. So you shouldn’t underestimate the powerful steps you are taking when you do say no. Every now and then, let go of the kind of work you don’t want to be spending your time on by saying no. You leave space then for stepping up, getting, and doing the work that really deserves your time.

10. “I’d love to, but …”

How do you go about saying no politely, protecting your time without offending other people? Here are a few suggestions.

“I simply haven’t got time right now.”

“I simply haven’t got time this week / month” (if you want to consider it next week/month)

“I’ll be back in touch after x, y, or z to sort something out” (for delaying)

“I’d love to but I’ve got other work/family/sporting commitments right now.”

“It’s a no I’m afraid. But thanks for asking me.”

Got a good suggestion? Heard a great no? Leave them in the comments box below…


A week in Rwanda…


This is a guest post from Claire Le Hur who is cycling to China with her fiancé Stuart Block. The couple will start their journey in East Africa where they will follow new ‘silk roads’ charting the journey of key natural resources as part of an exciting new education project. Claire will be riding a bamboo bike, built by an African social enterprise and Stuart will ride a tandem, keeping the back seat free for those they meet en route. They will also be raising money and awareness for two great educational charities. Find out more about Claire’s big adventure here.

Claire Le Hur

In my last post I talked about the genocide memorial and this atrocity is still what many people think of when they think of Rwanda. And yet Rwanda is a beautiful and fertile country where 80 per cent of the children go to school and where littering is illegal. In fact people are so conscious of keeping their community clean that they spend the last Saturday of every month cleaning up their streets.

It is amazing how far Rwanda come in the last 20 years, but despite its progress there are still many big issues simmering beneath the surface that lead you to question if, and when, things might start to unravel again. For example:

  • 80 per cent of the population live on less than $2 per day, and 65 per cent on less than $1
  • freedom of speech is non-existent
  • disabled people are often exiled and there are stories of a ‘prison’ on Lake Kivu
  • despite the brilliant work by the Gacaca court to reconcile Tutsi and Hutu, many feel that there are still underlying tensions because most government and high paid jobs are now being taken by Tutsis and because many Tutsis still feel that revenge would be just.
  • Allegedly Rwanda is supporting the rebels over the border in DRC and there are some dubious dealings going on concerning the export of minerals and weapons.
  • President Kagame has worked wonders since the genocide, and while there is something to be said for a ‘benign dictatorship’, in 2017 he will stand for a third term – which is constitutionally illegal – and there is no opposition. Who knows what will happen at election time but hopefully the current climate in Burundi is not a hint of things to come.


Be brave, rise strong, come alive

Be brave, rise strong, come alive DWYL BLOG BYTHEBOOK 650X250PX LR

Our job is not to deny the story, but to defy the ending – to rise strong, recognize our story, and rumble with the truth until we get to a place where we think, Yes. This is what happened. This is my truth. And I will choose how the story ends.” ~ Brené Brown, Rising Strong

This post is written by our Senior Editor, Rachel Kempton.

We know, from our own unique experiences and from the inspiring stories that are shared within our community, how much courage it takes to make your dreams come true – and how incredible it feels when they do.

Taking bold steps towards doing what you love is exciting, exhilarating and rewarding, but the journey there isn’t always easy. At times we can find ourselves feeling lost, confused and vulnerable – especially when we’re figuring out who we are, what we want and how we’re going to get there. We can find ourselves feeling stuck and afraid – paralysed by fear, past experiences or painful emotions. Or trapped – by people, circumstances, or by the stories we tell ourselves about our personal and professional struggles.

Yet when we are brave enough to look at our lives with clarity, understanding and compassion and challenge ourselves to rise through the pain of hurt, loss, falls and failure, we come alive. We move into a place of honesty and freedom: a place where we can live more truthfully and wholeheartedly and be the master of our own destiny.

 Be brave, rise strong, come alive BY BECOMING BRAVE YOU COME ALIVE 550PX LR

One lady who knows all about the role bravery plays in living life with wisdom and meaning is social scientist, thought leader and best selling author, Dr. Brené Brown.

Brené is one of our biggest role models and someone who has built her career on exploring the deep dark places that many of us fear to tread: the issues of vulnerability, courage, worthiness and shame. They are issues that she has spent years researching and which have led her to a profound truth: Vulnerability – the willingness to show up and be seen with no guarantee of outcome – is the only path to more love, belonging, creativity, and joy.

Brené’s yearning to live a full and wholehearted life has inspired her three most recent books, which she sums up as:

  1. The Gifts of Imperfection – Be you.
  2. Daring Greatly – Be all in.
  3. Rising Strong – Fall. Get up. Try again.

 Rising Strong

We aren’t affiliated to this book; we are sharing it because we feel it is of value.

Overcoming the fear of failure

We can highly recommend all three books but if you have issues with failure (and who hasn’t?), Rising Strong is a must-read. In it Brené is open and honest about her own struggles, and how she worked through those to gain a better understanding of herself. She shares the idea that if, inevitably, we’re all going to stumble and fall, we shouldn’t be afraid to feel pain, hurt and discomfort. And that it’s the process of rising up again, regaining our footing in the midst of struggle, and dealing with our emotions that’s most important, as this is where our courage is tested and our values are forged. In her opinion: “Rather than gold-plating grit and trying to make failure look fashionable, we’d be better off learning how to recognize the beauty in truth and tenacity.”

According to Brené, regardless of situation or circumstance, the rising strong process is the same:

(1) The reckoning – walking into our story: recognise emotion and get curious about what we are feeling as this connects with how we think and behave.

(2) The rumble – owning our story: get honest about the stories we’re making up about our struggle/s and challenge them to determine the truth.

(3) The revolution – write a new ending to our story based on the key learnings from our rumble. Use this braver story to change how we engage with the world and transform the way we live, love, parent and lead.

In chapter one, The Physics of Vulnerability, Brené talks about the ten Rules of Engagement for Rising Strong, and I especially love number 9: Courage is contagious. By sharing her own stories Brené reminded me that every single one of us is vulnerable – regardless of who we are and what we’ve achieved. She goes on to say: “In my work I’ve found that moving out of powerlessness, and even despair, requires hope. Hope is not an emotion: It’s a cognitive process… hope is learned.”

“We can’t rise strong when we’re on the run” ~ Brené Brown, Rising Strong

This week we challenge you to think about how you can be braver in your own life: What are you most afraid of? What’s the story you’re carrying behind those emotions and experiences? Are you willing to question that story?

We hope that this book empowers you to rise strong, recognize your story, and rumble with the truth until you get to a place where you think, Yes. This is what happened. This is my truth. And I will choose how the story ends. You can pick up your copy of Rising Strong here.



Almost fearless


This is a guest post by adventurer, author and motivational speaker Alastair Humphreys. Find out more about Alastair here.

Alastair Humphreys

“O wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, that has such people in’t!” ~ William Shakespeare

It’s good to be almost fearless.

Many of the things that used to really frighten me don’t bother me at all anymore.

Most of us have been brought up, very sensibly, to worry a lot. Here are some of the issues that we like to have a good worry about:

  • Career progression
  • Earning as much money as our friends
  • Getting a decent Christmas bonus (a mixture of the two points above)
  • What people think about us
  • Wearing stylish clothes

In recent years I have not worried about any of these. (Those who know me will say I never paid much heed to the last one!). And the funny thing is that the less I care, the more I just concentrate on following my own path, doing what I care about and am passionate about, the more money I earn and the curve of my “career” progression steepens.

I’m aware that my “career” is an odd one, hence the quote marks. But the point is that by consciously choosing not to worry about all the things I was supposed to be worrying about, a lot of them simply slipped away. They didn’t really matter to me.


Are you facing a big decision?


If you are facing a big decision these articles might help:

And if you’re wondering how you can do more of what you love, or if you fancy a new adventure, why not join us for the Do What You Love e-course? Shake things up, expand your comfort zone, nurture your playful spirit and feed your creative soul. Identify your passion and make it a greater part of your every day life! Find out more and register here.

Do What You Love interview – Megan Dalla-Camina


Megan Dalla-Camina is one amazing lady. As a business, creative and leadership strategist, coach, and writer and speaker on women, work and wellbeing, she is a thriving entrepreneur who is truly is doing what she loves.

Before going it alone, Megan enjoyed a high-paced career as a corporate executive. She was an award winning marketing director, head of strategy for a five billion dollar business and had interesting endeavours in gender diversity, leadership development and organisational change. But at the age of 35, it all changed. Like many successful high flyers she hit burnout, or what she describes as a kind of “greyness” in which she felt she was simply going through the motions in all aspects of her life. It was a big wake up call that made her realise it was time to do something different and be her best self. 15 years on Megan has her own flourishing business and has built a life based on all the things that really matter to her.

We hope that this interview gets you thinking about what matters most to you in your life and how you could be the best version of yourself. Enjoy! ~ Rachel

Megan Dalla-Camina

1. So many people, and women especially, struggle with the idea of having it all; a career and a personal life they love. But you know it can be done because you’ve spent the last decade figuring out how to get it! Tell us about your journey to this point…

I grew up as a creative; a dancer, actress, writer, poet, singer, music producer. I was always creating and performing, right through until I was in my early twenties. A car accident then changed my course, and I ended up in the corporate world, which saw me working for big global companies like GE, PwC and IBM for the best part of the next 20 years. I worked in marketing, business development, business strategy, gender diversity, organisational change and leadership development. Really senior roles, in Australia, Asia and the US. My last role was Head of Strategy for IBM, a 5Billion dollar business. During that time I also completed two Masters degrees, one in Business Management and the other in Wellness with a major in Positive Psychology. And just before I made my first big Director role, I got pregnant with my son who is now nearly 15.
